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Home Based Internet Business – Getting in the Game

Home Based Internet Business – Getting in the Game

Let me ask you a few questions to see if having a home-based internet business is a good fit for you.

Would you like a 1 or 2-minute commute to your computer (home office) or do you prefer to drive miles in rush hour traffic to a “job”?

Would you like to be your own boss or do you like being told what to do?

Do you like spending time with your family, enjoying your hobbies and having fun or do you like being stuck in a cubicle?

Would you like to create a new passive income stream?

If you answered, Yes, to any of the above questions, then starting your own internet home-based business would be a perfect fit! Theodore Roosevelt once said: “Do what you can with what you have right where you are.”

The 2 biggest excuses people usually have for getting started are time and money, so let’s deal with each one of those topics.

Let’s say you’re flat broke; you’re in survival mode. You make just enough to pay the bills and sure you’d love to have a flourishing internet business, but you just don’t have any money to get started.

Let me ask you a question: When you want something that you need and you don’t have the money, do you sometimes put things on your credit card?

Many people do this and that’s called: DEBT, however, I’m here to inform you that there is such a thing as bad debt vs. good debt.

Bad debt is owing credit card companies for material things that lose their value as soon as it leaves the debt is an “Investment” in yourself that will increase your worth such as:

Taking an online course;

Ordering Business Cards;

Purchasing a book;

Attending a Seminar;

Hiring a Life Coach;

Successful business owners invest at least 10% of what they make back into their business. Learner’s are Earners so always invest in your education and training in your area of expertise.

Debt vs. Investment: If you want to get in the Home Based Internet Business Game then you’ve got to start investing in yourself; it’s that simple. Shopping is fun and we all like nice things, but sometimes you have to give up the house to get the mansion!

Nicole Williams, author of the book, “Earn What You’re Worth” says:

“The line between debt and investment is one of the most frightening, exciting, excruciating, and, quite frankly, the most exhilarating places to be. And this is the most important thing to know – experiencing this line is absolutely necessary to create WEALTH!”

There you have it. If you don’t start investing in yourself and your dreams, you will never experience true wealth which not only comes from having money, but also comes from living your purpose and feeling fulfilled.

I started out 10 years ago with absolutely no knowledge on how to make money on the Internet and I’ve learned a lot over the years. I’ve made a lot of mistakes as well. Because of my 10 years of experience, I am passionate about teaching others how to start their own Home Based Internet Business!

If you want to get in the game of making money from an online business you run from your home, here are 6 tips:

Start investing in yourself with books, seminars, online courses, etc.

Stop getting in debt and buying things that don’t increase in value;

Start working with a Mentor; someone who can guide you through the process.

Do one thing every day towards your goal;

Read 10 books on the subject;

Surround yourself with like-minded people (you are your 5 closest friends).

If you follow these tips, then you’ll create a new income stream and that will give you more freedom in your life! Freedom to me equals less stress and I’m sure you would like less stress in your life.

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